Symposium of Application and Development of Precious Metal Analytical Technology
Create Date:2010-08-04 Click: 1554
“Symposium of Application and Development of Precious Metal Analytical Technology” will be held on August 6th, 2010 in Fanyu, Guangzhou. This symposium is organized by Jiangsu Skyray Instrument Co., Ltd. and professional experts from National Gemstone Testing Center, GTC, Guangdong Provincial Jewelry Testing Center will be invited to the symposium.
The symposium consists of: lecture, on-site testing and quiz section, covering lecture reports and demonstration of instruments. Participating clients can communicate their problems and questions about operating the instruments to the technical engineers. The clients will also be invited to experience sample testing in the symposium. Skyray Instrument is requesting the honor of your presence at the symposium.
Contact: Industry Manager Ms. Du Xiaodan Tel.: 0755 29707053 Fax: 0755 29707016
Venue: Heroyear Hotel, Fanyu District, Guangzhou
Signing in
Feature report
Demonstration and intermission
On-site testing
Lecture and questioning