1:Simulated Jewelries:
K-gold, gold plated, silver plated and etc are known as simulated
The simulated jewelries market is uneven, some good and some bad;
some jewelries of relatively cheap price and un-known composition may cause
allergic symptoms; to “nickel allergy”, “lead poisoning” and other skin
diseases, many wears do not know them.
In the USA, EU and other counties and
regions, there are strict restrictions on the toxic substances of simulated
jewelries, especially simulated jewelries for children. CPSC of the US requires
the lead content is less than 600ppm/kg, and EU also has a strict restriction on
nickel content.
In January 2007 to November, because of lead content in
jewelries for children excessively out of the standard, the US Consumer Product
Safety Association asked to recall jewelries made in China 27 times and
5,820,200 pc in total.
In 2009, China’s first draft of “limit requirement
and test method for hazardous substances in simulated jewelries” was approved
and implemented.
2:Application Solutions:
In accordance with “limit requirement and test method for hazardous
substances in simulated jewelries” and restrictions made by the US and EU
countries and regions, our company has devoted all its energy to providing the
simple, practical and tailor-made solution to manufacturers: XRF spectrometers
detection, the only method which can rapidly and non-destructively test the
hazardous substances; one equipment is enough to test the simulated
3:Applicable Instruments
Model:SUPER EDXRF 1000
Performances and Characteristics:1. 1. Skyray patent
technology----special excitation X-ray source, sample excitation structure and
detection system; greatly improve the detection sensitivity( lower detection
limit) 2. Modern figure, color and structure; electric control upper cover is
more ergonomically; 3. Auto switch of collimator and filter can meet different
analytical requirements; 4. Large-capacity sample chamber and high-resolution
CCD ensure the easy operation; 5. Equipped with software of full functions.
Application Examples
Test of Pb in metals (gold-plated copper alloy)
1. Measurement parameters
Anode: Zr anode
Measurement conditions: 45kV/600uA
Standard sample:Alpaka 313(Pb:60ppm)
Test spectrum
spectrum shows fine copper rc101(Pb,0ppm); the red reference spectrum is alpaca

The average values and relative deviations of multiple measurements.2、Test data
The spectrum below shows the work curve of Pb in Alpaka:
of the work curve:tan0.21=0.0036
Detection limit of Pb in Alpaka
313(Pb:60ppm):(3×0.013)/ 0.0036 (slope of the work curve)
Test data: