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Atomic Fluorescence Applied in Blood Lead Detection

Create Date:2016/7/4 12:49:47  Click:2836

1、Standard Pb solution preparation

Standard Pb solution in 0.1ug/ml, superior pure HCL, deionized water (resistance is not less than 10M Ohm), and other solutions.

Choose acid solution of the density equal with standard solution, and push the sample to reaction system, and then start reaction and clean the whole pipe.

1.1 Carrier fluid preparation

2% HCL (volume fraction): Precisely take 20ml concentrated HCL and dilute to 1000ml with deionized water.

1.2 Reducing agent preparation

1% KOH, 2% KBH4, 1% K3Fe (CN)6 mixed solution.
Preparation: Firstly take 5g KOH and dissolve it in deionized water; after KOH is completely dissolved, take 20kg KBH4 and 10g K3Fe (CN) 6 into the solution, and then dilute it to 1000ml with deionized water, and finally shake up it. Suggest preparing the solution freshly before use, do not preserve it over night and reverse the process. Because the atomic weight of K and Na is different, as taking NaOH as a stable medium, density conversion should be carried out. The conversion coefficient is 0.7, that is, 1%KOH is equal to 0.7%NaOH.

2、Pb sample treatment

Take about 0.20g sample into digestion bomb and add 8ml HNO3 and 2ml H2O2. After microwave digestion, dry the solution. Dilute to 100ml in the measuring flask after cooling, and then add 2ml HCL and 0.2% oxalic acid in 1ml. (Note: As you add oxalic acid into the sample, please add the same density oxalic acid into the standard solution as well.)

3、Operating conditions:

Negative high voltage(V):270;Lamp current(mA):40/40;Argon gas flow(ml/M):300/800
Filament brightness:3 ;Reading time:14s;Delay time:4s;Blank check value:10

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