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DMF Solutions in Furniture

Create Date:2016/7/4 9:05:25  Click:8359

    Recently, the European Union members passed the draft resolution on “the guarantee of consumables containing DMF won’t be put into European market". This resolution, which is now in the review stage by European parliament, is expected to come into effect before 1st, May.

    By then, our domestic traditional advantages of export products such as leather shoes, leathers etc, will suffer a relative huge impact. Dimethyl fumarate (abbreviated as DMF) is often used as antiseptic fungicide in the production, storage and transportation of leather, footwear, textile products.

    According to the EU draft resolution, if the DMF in consumables or their components exceeds 0.1 mg/kg, or the consumables themselves have been marked with the content of DMF, these consumables will be identified as containing DMF and prohibited from entering EU market.

    LC-310 Chromatogram condition
    Chromatogram Column: AQ-C18 column (250mm × 4.6mm, 5.0μm)
    Mobile phase: acetonitrile/0.05% phosphoric acid solution (80/20)
    Detection wavelength: 216nm
    Box column temperature: 30 ℃
    Flow speed: 1.0ml/min
    DMF Standards: put 0.0058g of DMF in 15ml brown volumetric flask, dissolved with acetonitrile and determine the constant volume, injected 5μl of sample volume.

    DMF Solutions in Furniture
    Chromatogram graph

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