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Solution to Infant Clothing Inspection

Create Date:2016/7/4 8:38:51  Click:5112

Definition of infant clothing: The clothing which are used by the infants not older than 24 months.

    The quantity of Chinese infant new arrivals reached 20 million in 2007, and the quantity of 2008 is 500 thousand more than the one of 2007. All parents pay much attention to their children’s basic necessities of life (clothing, food, living, etc.) According to a mother/baby caregiver’s introduction, the infant hematonosis incidence tends to increase in recent years. This phenomenon is related to the bad quality of house fitment products and infant clothing. The over standard usage of formaldehyde and lead can increase the possibility of hematonosis suffering to infants. It’s not necessary to go for high price and top brands on buying infant clothing, the critical point is the quality and safety class. The experts remind infants’ parents and relatives that infant clothing must be washed and insolated or disinfected by boiled water, and the remaining chemical materials like formaldehyde in clothing processing must be eliminated. Hereunder is the survey report on Chinese children’s clothing of recent 2 years.

    On May 28, 2006, China State General Administration for Quality Supervision publicly announced the random inspection result of children clothing products: product percent of pass is 62.2%.

    On May 27, 2007, China State General Administration for Quality Supervision carries on a special random inspection on the quality of infant clothing products, and publicized the sample percent of pass is 79.5%.

    The quantity of Chinese children not older than 14 years is 314 million approximately.

    Chinese annual yield of children’s clothing is about 4.6 billion pieces, which nearly occupies 10% share of total yield of all clothing.

    The countrywide consumption of children’s clothing is RMB 40 billion Yuan, which nearly occupies 7% share of total consumption of all clothing.

    Annual consumption of pregnant and infant products is about RMB 80 billion Yuan.

    China introduced the first industrial standard of infant clothing on 2008. This is a significantly meaningful standard in clothing industry, and the standard symbolizes Chinese clothing industry becomes more and more normalized, bring us not only a technical standard but also a humanizing standard.

    Skyray Instrument dedicates lots of effort and energy to tailor make matching solutions for many manufacturers of infant clothing according to the industrial standard of infant clothing. Hereunder is the whole standard solution to azodyes determination in textile for example.

Inspection instrument
LC310 high performance liquid chromatograph
LC-P100 high-pressure constant flow pump, 2 sets
Diode array detector, 1 set
LC-CO100 thermotank, 1set
1500μl high-pressure mixer, 1 piece
Rheodyne 7725i injector, 1 piece
Pre-treatment facility
Temperature control supersonic generator:
Output: 420W
Frequency: 40KHz,
Temperature difference: ±2℃
Vacuum rotatory evaporator
Reactor: with obturator, approx. 65ml, tubulate made by hard glass
thermostat water bath

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